Sunday, 7 February 2010

The way I roll

Hi all,

Its been about 5 mins since the last post but alright. Forgot to say that if this route goes well, I plan on extending the line from Ormiston to Macmerry then back to Smeaton. And if still going strong I plan to cover the whole Midlothian, East Lothing and Edinburgh area railways! At least noone can fault me for ambition!

The route is going to be split into phases and stages, if you'll forgive me sounding like I'm planning a housing scheme. The phases are as follows;

Phase 1 - Gifford area
Phase 2 - Gifford to Humbie
Phase 3 - Humbie area
Phase 4 - Humbie to Saltoun
Phase 5 - Saltoun area
Phase 6 - Saltoun to Pencaitland
Phase 7 - Pencaitland area
Phase 8 - Pencaitland to Ormiston
Phase 9 - Ormiston area

Each phase will be split into several stages;

[] Decal Capturing and Laying
[] Track Laying
[] Platforms
[] Elevation Mapping
[] Roads and Rivers
[] Buildings and Landmarks
[] Station Scenery
[] Trees, Foliage and Miscellaneous
[] Railway Infrastructure
[] Lineside Infrastructure
[] Industries
[] Decal Removal and Landscape Texturing
[] Final Iterations

Naturally, there will be reiteration all the time on all sections of the route.

You're probably wondering why I'm keeping this so detailed. The reasons are twofold; firstly so people know what still needs done when I come to releasing the route and secondly is for my own benefit, So I know what still needs done. A Key;
[] Nothing Done
[-] On Hold (Back Burner)
[/] Done
[P] In Progrss
[X] Errors or problems discovered
[N] Work planned for next update
[U] Updated in this update

Anyway, first update is going to be up soon!

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