Update 3 (8/2/10) - still no release
[/] Decal Capturing and Laying
[/] Track Laying
[/] Platforms
[/] Elevation Mapping
[/] Roads and Rivers
[/] Buildings and Landmarks
- Need to find an appropriate 1 story white bungalow
[/] Station Scenery
- individual bushes for station platform
[/] Trees, Foliage and Miscellaneous
[/] Railway Infrastructure
[X] Lineside Infrastructure
- Fix level crossing issue
- Found better water tank! Need supports.
[/] Industries
[] Decal Removal and Landscape Texturing
[] Final Iterations
Day 3 of route building here and Phase 1 is almost out the way! I've had to completely reroute the "Speedy Burn" because I got it all wrong. I've also extended the scenery around the railway to give a more accurate feel of the area. Looked at the map and forgot exactly how much still needs done on the other sections! Anyway, take a look at the updates;
Gifford c.1907

Farming at Gifford

View from the rails from Gifford to the West

"Speedy Burn" with the Gifford line on the right

Looking towards Gifford

New station scenery at Gifford station

The updated station building

North view from Gifford platform (See why I need support for the water tank?)

North view from Gifford goods platform

Gifford at night.

Once again, I hope you all enjoy. This phase is pretty much done now so I'll be moving down the line towards Humbie soon. I want to try and iron out the issue with the level crossings before I move on, since there's quite a few of them on the way! As such, I might be a while with the next update. Anyone up to helping?
See you's soon!
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