Update 1 (7/2/10) - No release
[/] Decal Capturing and Laying
[/] Track Laying
[/] Platforms
[] Elevation Mapping
[P] Roads and Rivers
[P] Buildings and Landmarks
[P] Station Scenery
[P] Trees, Foliage and Miscellaneous
[/] Railway Infrastructure
[X] Lineside Infrastructure
[/] Industries
[] Decal Removal and Landscape Texturing
[] Final Iterations
Finally to the good stuff; the pretty pictures!
In-Game Gifford from the sky: 1900 station with 2000 Decals!

"Speedy Burn" with Gifford Station in the background

Gifford Station from the road

Water filling and the infinite abyss

The view from Gifford platform

Gifford Station with the goods platform on the left (shouldn't be people there) and the passenger platform on the right

Top-Down view of Gifford station

Road bridge over the "Speedy Burn"

View from the railway looking South, away from Gifford

View looking towards Gifford station from the railway

A Level-Crossing on the approach to Gifford.

I should take the time to thank Karma99 for his work on the automated level crossings, and to Mully for his kind offer to let me use his site for hosting the route, and also to the guys at RWDecal without whom this route would be very innacurate, so cheers all!
Hope you enjoyed the pics, do feel free to comment!
Looking very impressive and great use of RWDecal. There is only one "guy" making RWDecal (me). Thank you for the high praise. Would you like me to show your site on the RWDecal Gallery Page (www.rwdecal.co.uk/gallery)? If so PM me at UKTS (nobkins)